Community Assessment Survey for Older Adults
Aging Services Professionals and Local Government use CASOA for:
Program and capital planning
Inter-agency engagement
Performance monitoring and service evaluation
Tried and Trusted
The Community Assessment Survey for Older Adults™ (CASOA™) provides the answers to how older adult needs and strengths will affect your town, city, county or state. Your CASOA results will give you confidence about planning for today’s older adults, and tomorrow’s.
CASOA summarizes the key dimensions of community livability, drawn from the perspectives of older adults themselves. This national benchmarking survey also compares the responses of older adult residents in your jurisdiction to the opinions of others across the country.
Developed by experts in survey research and aging services, CASOA provides a clear description of the community’s readiness to serve the needs of the aging demographic. CASOA shows local governments and Area Agencies on Aging the dimensions of older adult life and the public services in most need of improvement.
CASOA Services
Regulation & Compliance
AAA Regulation and Guideline Compliance
Accurate Demographics
Scientific methods reflect your older adult community
Advanced Reporting
Interactive reporting of results on Polco
Benchmark Comparisons
Benchmark comparisons with other local government employees across the country
Geolocation Services
Tracking of results and response rates by geographic area
Expert Analysis
Survey conducted and analyzed by a data-science practitioner