The health industry already has a lot to manage with limited time and resources. Adding community engagement to the list may seem out of reach.
Healthcare industry workers juggle many responsibilities. It can sometimes feel like:
Your staff and budget are stretched incredibly thin.
You wish you had more insight from residents so you can provide necessary support.
You don’t have the time to gather community feedback.
You’re lacking the right tools to engage the public on health issues.
You need to combat misinformation.
You’re struggling to report outcomes with insufficient data.
Health care employees often don't have the time or the means to engage with residents. But working with residents can help leaders uncover important health priorities and issues. See how Polco surveys and online tools help you gain health insights directly from community members so you are equipped with data to make informed decisions.
Gain the right insights to prioritize and execute health services with confidence.
Reduce the risk of a crisis
Identify potential issues before they become problems
Receive reliable results
Make decisions based on validated residence input
Build a healthy community
Take actions that will have the greatest impact
Decision-makers can create better health outcomes with resident engagement. Here’s how Polco works:

Conduct Expert Surveys and Polls
Get a tailored consultation and guided tour of Polco

Analyze Unbiased Data with Context
Leverage data insights and community engagement to make informed decisions

Implement Findings Into Plans and Budgets
Show you are listening and act on the factors that most impact the quality of life

You’re already making heroic efforts with limited resources. We make it easy to capture resident input to guide decisions.
60,000 questions answered
30+ yrs of benchmarking data
30 million American voices represented
The comprehensive platform that gives you everything you need
Comprehensive public data about your city collected and analyzed by experts. See important community data all in one place. Measure data points over time.
- Actionable data for strategic and comprehensive plans
- Data to align city council and city managers on important issues
- A go-to source for grant application data and evidence
Gather community member input on any topic at any time with customizable or templated surveys, polls, live events, and simulations.
- The simplest and fastest way to interact with verified community members
- Build support by showing residents the real constraints government leaders face
- Collect high quality data for strategic planning and budgeting
Get data about your community, from your community. National benchmark comparison surveys that help you identify priorities and see where you stand next to the national average.
- The most representative community data available
- Align your goals with what matters most to residents
- Use data for prioritizing, planning, and budgeting
Don’t let limited resources hold you back. Use Polco to assess health in your community.
Public health services are at the lowest they’ve been in a decade. With greater demands and fewer workers, the healthcare industry is stretched even more. With Polco for community health, agencies can connect to residents, identify concerns, and make the right decisions.
Health departments deal with varying complex issues, including everything from food safety to emergency preparedness. With so much to manage, engaging with residents often falls to the wayside. But agencies that reach out to residents are more successful in building and maintaining a healthy community.
Outreach reveals residents’ health priorities, whether its access to services, recreational activities, or healthy foods. Understanding community needs lets departments direct their focus and resources where they are needed most to make sure time and money doesn’t go to waste. Resident input also illuminates educational opportunities to inform the public on important health information.
Using Polco ensures that health departments receive insights from hard-to-reach groups. Representative feedback helps officials make decisions that support everyone in the most effective way. Request a demo to learn more about how Polco can help your department engage with residents so you can improve community health together.
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Case Studies

Honolulu’s Parks and Rec and Health Services See Big Improvements

How Winter Garden Increases Resident Satisfaction Through Innovative Health and Wellness Park