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Data and engagement tools to

Secure State and Local Government Grant Funding

Craft competitive grant applications with instant access to accurate and reliable data about your community.

Local government grant application processes are notoriously complex, and deadlines are tight.

Local governments need grant funding, but they often do not have enough resources to apply. It can feel like:

Local Government Grant Funding

You are missing out on funding that your community needs

Local Government Grant Funding clock icon

You don’t have a fast way to get data for applications with time constraints

Local Government Grant Funding frustrate icon

You don’t have a sufficient way to report on a project for grants you do win

Local Government Grant Funding no resource

You wish you had an alternative since you can’t afford a dedicated grant writer

With Polco, you quickly get the reliable data and community feedback you need to win more local government grant applications.


Join Hundreds of State and Local Governments Who Use Polco Data for Grant Applications

Craft Competitive Grant Applications With Data

Get instant access to data about your city—curated by experts! Give your local and state government grant applications an edge with data-backed proof for your projects.

  • Save time and money on application research. Get immediate access to data about your city to support your grant proposals.

  • Easily report on your project. Get data points that measure what matters most over time.

  • Make grant prioritization simple. Clearly see what areas of your community need attention with data.
Local Government Grant Funding Polco Track product

Quickly Capture Resident Feedback for Grant Applications

With Polco, you reach more people in less time though surveys, polls, and live events.

  • Don’t miss out because of deadlines. Get resident feedback data for grant proposals fast with simple online engagement tools.

  • Make your grant application more persuasive with resident input. Grant committees favor applications that demonstrate community support.

  • Meet resident expectations. Prioritize grants that address what your community says is most important.
Local Government Grant Funding Polco Engage Product

How local and state governments use Polco to inform strategic plans 

Write competitive grants with Polco’s community engagement platform, surveys, and analytics.


Local Government Grant Funding

Improve your odds of winning

Grants are competitive. With reliable data, you give your application a leg up. Couple your data with community feedback to make your proposal even stronger.

Local Government Grant Funding

Save time and money

With access to comprehensive city data, you can expedite grant proposal research. Streamline efforts and use your valuable resources elsewhere.

Local Government Grant Funding

Apply for more grants

Empowered with data, your city can pursue more grants than ever before.

Let's work together! Here's how Polco works:

Local Government Grant Funding

Get a clear view of your city's needs with data

Polco’s data dashboards help you align community needs to grant funding sources. You can then use that data to strengthen the needs statement on your grant application.

Local Government Grant Funding

Conduct expert surveys and polls

Receive more community feedback than ever before with Polco’s online platform. Reinforce your grant applications with resident input.

Local Government Grant Funding

Make a competitive application

Craft a data-driven proposal that stands out so you can win funding that addresses your community’s needs.

Local Government Grant Funding

Join the data-driven revolution today!

Ready to transform your strategic planning process and make a lasting impact on your community? Empower your city or state with Polco's solutions. Let's work together to create outcome-oriented, action-focused, and data-driven strategic plans that truly reflect the needs of your residents.


Make Informed Decisions with Confidence

Download your copy of "Make Informed Decisions with Confidence: Solving The Community Engagement Puzzle" today!

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Local Government Grant Funding Offer

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Learn more about Polco's solutions for you.

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