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The National Law Enforcement Survey

The Nation's Premier Law Enforcement Survey

The National Law Enforcement Survey (The NLES) helps strengthen community relationships, aligns resident and government priorities and increases community safety.

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Police and Local Government Leaders
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Reliable and Accurate

The National Law Enforcement Survey (The NLES), a premier enterprise of Polco/National Research Center, Inc. (NRC), provides a comprehensive and accurate picture of resident opinions related to community police services. The NLES uses best practices in survey methods to guarantee valid findings and puts your results into meaningful context. Drawing from a large database, The NLES compares your local results with benchmarks compiled from a national survey panel.

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Crafted by Experts in Policing and Survey Science

The NLES was developed by National Research Center survey experts, with guidance from the law enforcement thought-leaders behind the Bureau of Justice Assistance Executive Session on Police Leadership (BJA ESPL).

What's Inside The NLES

The NLES provides local law enforcement leaders insights into a variety of resident opinions about public safety. The survey measures:

  • Community Quality of Life
  • Sense of Safety
  • Community Safety Issues
  • Departmental Performance
  • Contact with Police
  • Types of Police Interaction
  • Police Officer Performance
  • Community Safety Priorities
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Police Officer

The NLES Services

This Survey Complements:

The Police Academy Survey 2

The Police Academy Survey (The PAS)

The Police Academy Survey (The PAS) helps create a more positive relationship between the community and police officers by measuring the quality of academy activities and the knowledge and skills obtained by graduates.

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The National Employee Survey - Law Enforcement 1

The National Employee Survey - Law Enforcement (The NES-LE)

Law Enforcement and Local Government leaders can gather insights into officer working conditions, employee climate and job satisfaction with The National Employee Survey - Law Enforcement (The NES-LE). The NES-LE helps identify organizational strengths and challenges, and understand training needs.

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NPSS eBook

White Paper: How Americans See Public Safety Services Within Their Communities

A new national study reveals sweeping changes in American perspectives about police services that all law enforcement and local government leaders should know. Download this free eBook now to discover key findings, case studies and expert analyses. This report can help you better position your police department for community-centered public safety.

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Plans & Pricing

The NLES is available with the Polco Performance Plan subscription.

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